Birthday Boy (the little one)

Today Tristan is two years old!

Where the heck did the time go?!

From this ity bity teeny baby (as teeny as 9lbs 3oz can be)

To this wonderfully funny, sassy, HARDCORE AWESOME little toddler!




OMG! He is so cute! I cannot even believe he is 2 already! Just goes to show how long I have known you too!
I love his hair, so darling!

Happy Birthday little dude!

Reply to Danielle

Thank you! LOL time flies…

Oh I love his hair, it’s strawberry blonde, fluffy, and curly!


Aww, happy birthday, cutie!

Reply to Sheena

Thank you so much Sheena!



Reply to Jill

The uber squish!

Oh my goodness Sarah, where did the time go? :( He’s growing up to be such a handsome big boy! Happy birthday to Tristan…

Thank you so much! I was never so aware of time until I became a momma heh.


Happy Birthday Tristan! I wish you all the best for the next years, no doubt he will grow to be a handsome young man.

As a mother, you must be extremely proud of that little guy, seeing how dedicated you are to your two sons. You seem like an awesome mother and I mean, seriously, isn’t he the cutest?

Take care! xxx

Reply to Marie-Anne

Thank you so very much!!!! That means so much to me!


Oh my gosh he is so adorable! I love these photos of him! What a gorgeous smile! Happy Birthday, Tristan!

Reply to Caity

Thank you so much Caity!

What a cutie! Boy how quickly they grow up. Happy b-day Tristan!

Thank you! It goes so fast doesn’t it. DH keeps joking that we have a year to conceive another. That he needs that “fresh baby smell” lol.

Joni Rae

AWWWWW. He is so big now!

<3 <3 <3

Happy Birthday Tristan!

Reply to Joni Rae

Thank you!


Um, you have to be kidding me. There is NO way that he’s TWO already!
I remember sitting on the bus on the way to work and reading that he was born!

Reply to Terri

LOL I can’t get past it either! Even worse, my oldest will be TEN this January! A DECADE! Double Digits! AHH!

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