We received yesterday (no thanks to UPS, LONG story) our first order of cloth diapers from Jillians Drawers! Mind you this is the first “batch” if you will since we will still need at least another 12+.
And lastly, my son testing one out (yes those are Star Wars sheets), we didn’t have the fancy BumGenius 3.0 one-size CD when he was a baby!
I’ve heard great things about BG. I have 2 of them myself. I got a variety of brands to see what works for us and then will invest more into that specific kind.
Yay! I sadly didn’t get to get a complete cloth diaper stash so little boy is in sposies… kinda hate them cause he is a heavy night wetter so I have to change him 3 times a night and sometimes he still wakes up with wet jammies. Hoping later we can make the splurge to get a full stash of one size and prefolds. Let me know how you like the BumGenius 3.0s.
@Amanda, I remember when I was CD’ing my oldest that I really liked pocket diapers, however back then there really wasn’t any “one-size” diaper at all.
@Sharon, we are hoping to finish getting the stash before the baby is born… I don’t know if that’s going to be possible since I’m now 37wks lol.
Glad you received your order! I hope they work well for you…makes me want a baby so bad! :)
The service from the shop was awesome, shipping was super fast, only issue was with UPS itself. EVIL UPS.
That is so awesome! I am so excited to hear more about it! I am definitely interested in using cloth diapers when I have kids.
Aww cute! I will use cloth diapers too!
Those things save tons of money. :)
Very cool! I love new diapers! My BGs have served me well.
.-= {Lynda´s shared blog entry ..Notes for a future entry} =-.
I only wish we had MORE, I don’t see how we can work with just 12.
You can probably get 12+ prefolds and a couple diaper covers for under $20 until you get enough for more BGs.
.-= {Lynda´s shared blog entry ..Toddler Tantrum Troubles} =-.