Finding Myself

June 23rd 2007 / 1 minute to read

Today was my last day at the job I’ve worked at for about 3 years now. It was a bit anti-climatic really. I don’t even know what to say about it. I suppose I haven’t really processed it yet? It feels like a chapter of my life is ending. I tried to make sure that everyone had my email address although I honestly would be surprised if anyone made the effort to stay in contact with me.

After work I took a nap then we (my son and myself) went to the library to return books and pick up books that I had on hold. I would love any book suggestions, fiction or non, even cookbooks would be awesome.

I basically only have tomorrow (Saturday) to relax because Sunday we (my sister, her fiance, and obviously myself) are going to the Chicago Pride Parade, photo opportunities galore! Afterwards we will come back here, pick up my son, and head to Long Grove for the Strawberry Festival. Then on Monday, right back to work… only this time it will be at my new job.

This post is over a year old which means the content may be outdated or no longer accurate.


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Just ignore my comment :). I was on expression-engine site and i stumbled upon this one :P.
This idea is that you have gorgeous eyes.
Bye now :))

Reply to CoolGoose

mmm.. I could use some suggestions for books too. I’m desperate to do some decent reading whilst on my break.

My recommendations: if you haven’t already, pick up absolutely anything by Jodi Picoult. I absolutely loved My Sister’s Keeper and The Pact – They were absolutely beautiful. Perfect Match was also a fantastic read.

The photos, as usual, are absolutely gorgeous. The mailman looks so friendly. :)

Reply to Sarah

Ohh, new job on Monday, how exciting!  Maybe its good that your ending was anti-climactic, makes it easier to leave, and maybe its a sign that the new job switch will also be nice and smooth in a similarly anti-climactic way.

As for books, read Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.  It’s not a happy read (apocalyptic), but it is absolutely amazing.  A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry is another excellent, though un-cheery and rather huge book (about poverty in India).  I haven’t read any fluff lately, so I can’t really think of anything ligther to recommend.

The first picture of Kat is fantastic—I love the colors (as in, I love anything green, but the greens go particularly well with the peach and pink in the background), and her expression is great, it seems as though the balloon just told her something funny.

Reply to Aenka

I came here from twitter, and just wanted to say that you are cute, your photos are lovely, and best of luck in the new position.  :)


I can’t wait to see those fabulous photos from that parade.  And I’m not talking about the quality. 

I just got used to a new job, after switching from one that I had just worked for about a year at.  But the change was a huge one.  I went from being a Daycare Teacher to being a warehouse worker.  Haha.  The pay jump was nice, though. :) ($6 to $11)

Reply to Raven

@CoolGoose Thanks!

@Sarah Thank you so much! I am going to go put those books on hold at the library (yay for that service being online!)

@Aenka That is a really good point! I didn’t even think of it like that!

I will put those books on hold! The library will love me lol

Aww thank you! I love it because she actually has modeling experience and some photography experience so she is just a joy to work with!

@SeraFaery Aww thank you so much!!

@Raven Thank you! I know, I kept telling everyone yesterday, who cares if the guys are gay, I can appreciate taut, toned, oiled up men, wearing practically nothing lol

OH congrats for your new job!! That is a great pay jump!

@Sara ehehhe thank you! I know… I am uhh very excited about it lol Mostly naked hot men hell yes!


Well i have no idea what you read but i really liked – Dostoievski – Memories from the Death house (it’s a stupid translation cause i can’t find it on amazon and i only have the name in romanian :)) or Dostoievski – Crime and Punishment.

It seems that in english Dostoievski is Dostoyevsky or Dostoevsky. Well that’s strange :D

Reply to CoolGoose

Ah, Im gonna be leaving my job soon, in a couple months. Right before I enter Uni. Im gonna feel sore about leaving everyone behind but basically everyone I know now is leaving at the same time, so it doesn’t really matter as much.

Wow, those photos are fantastic..

Reply to CJ

I just wanted to say that I hope you enjoyed your weekend, and good luck on the first day at your new job tomorrow. I am sure that you will do just fine! Can’t wait to see some new pictures! ::Blessings!::


Those photos are really good.  Good luck with the new job and have fun at the parade!

Reply to Littlechet

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