I have 349 Gmail invites, so if you want one please let me know!
I update the amount every single time I give away a Gmail Invite. Do not ask me if I have “any more left” as the amount is updated often and is current.
*This entry will remain sticky until they are all gone!*
No Gmail invites for me but thanks for asking. I have a hard enough time keeping all my other mail boxes read.
I do however want to wish you a Blessed Yule since I doubt I’ll catch you on Monday or Tuesday. I also hope things are looking better for you :o)!
I would love GMail.
I’d appreciate a gmail invite:)
I love your layout by the way
I love your layout. It’s so elegant.
I would love in invite if I may have one. Thanks.
hey… cool site.. i wuv yer layout! anyway, can you send me one invite? please??? :)
This is not my first time to stop by your site but is my first time to comment. I’ve admired your design for as long as I can remember; it’s absolutely lovely!
..and no thank you, I do not need yet another email account :D (much too hard to keep track)! I saw that all those wanting one of your gmail invitations commented about how gorgeous your design is, and I thought I’d take to opportunity to sneak praises in myself. Have a wonderful holiday season and take care!
Could you give me one please—thanks—
LJ = “brotherhug”
Hope you have had great holidays, and hope you have a great new year. I’ve been visiting your site for a while now, and i really think it’s cute. I read awhile ago that you had been knitting, and i just want to say that I’ve always wanted to try.
But hey that’s nice that you’re giving gmail accounts out. I’ve been trying to get one. So if you could spare one for me, taht would be great.
I would love Gmail. I’ve been trying to find people who offer the invites.
By the way this isn’t the first time I’ve been here. I usually go here for inspiration for my next layouts for my site.
Pssst! When all of yours are gone, send everyone my way! I have probably 20 of them to give away myself! LOL
Hope you’re doing well and that your Solstice/Yule was a wonderful one! :)
I’d love to have one. My current email isn’t accessible at base computers and chasing down the wireless internet is like chasing fish in the sea.
hey! can i have a gmail acc? pretty pls.. thanks
woo you have a lot of gmail invites!! yikes how come?
I alrwady have it though ..:)
Hi there! I don’t know you, but I would take a gmail invite off your hands if you don’t mind. I followed a link from your beautiful felted bag in the customer made section of pippikneesocks.
(Your site layout and photography are beautiful, by the way….)
I would love an invite if you have any more left
Happy Yule! I would love to accept your offer for a G mail invite if you still have it available.
Thank you!
nice layout. may i plz have a invite ty.
Indeed, gmail does own. Its very nice of you to give out so many.
A happy New Year to you. :wow:
If you still have some Gmail invites left, please may I make so bold as to beg one and so enable me to abandon my last connection to the Redmond world?
Happy 2005. Wow you go a lot of gmail invites. I only have 6 to give away.
Hi, was wondering if your offer is still on. To be honest, I want a gmail account so badly, you have no idea. Lol. Would really appreciate it if you could get back to me. Thanks! :)
I would love one if you’d be so kind to offer me one! Thank you!
hi:) can i pls have an invite too? ThanK u n god bLess
Happy De-lurking Day!
Can i please have a Gmail Invite? Or are they all gone :’(
Love the site you have running here I havent been here before but I really like it :P
Merry Meet,
This background is beautifully elegant.I can honestly say I have not seen one similar to this before.I am new here but if you do have any gmail invites left I would appreciate one.
Brightest Blessings,
I would love a gmail invite. By the way, your layout is gorgeous!
What a wonderful layout! I’m impressed. Well, I’d love to have a Gmail invite. Thanks and blessed be.
Hi Sarah, you don’t know me from Adam, but I used to use the recently updated code you wrote, and I’m in need of it or a comparable alternative again, desperately. Do you still have that handy by chance?
Pretty layout. I have a hard time getting rid of my own gmail’s lol.
hello! ^_^ hit me backs sometime…later <333
hey kool site i love the layout it looks really cute! i would love a gmail invite if you have some left! :) cheers
If there are any left, I would adore a g-mail invite.
Btw, I’m so glad you and gina got pagan@osn back up again, I was thinking it was dying there for a bit.
I have just started on learning ‘tarot’ and i have posted a personal reading on my site.
I got to know about you by surfing blogger for people who like tarot. Could you help me by sharing whether my reading of the tarot cards are correct? I would appreciate any knowledge you might want to share about tarot cards and interpretation…
This is my site:
Thank you
You have a beautiful site..
I would love an invite if you have some remaining :)
Hello. I am 13 years old and a very interested in exploring and getting to know Wicca. If there is anything you can send me or inform me about please do. My mother is Christian and getting around her is hard. Thank you ! I would also appreciate an invite . ThAnk you ! HAVE A NICE DAY !
hun, do you mind sending me one? :)
I would appreciate an invitation to Gmail.
Thanks in advance
I don’t need an invite, but how does one acquire 40+ invites? I thought they only give you 10?
I would love one! Thanks. :-D
This is my first time here … Your lay is so nice and elegant. I’d like a gmail invite if you could just hand em out like that… lol
ooh i lurve this layout, i like the colors and the pictures. This is my first time here! And i would like to have a gmail invite….but i suppose they’re all gone now. ^_*
Quote: I don’t need an invite, but how does one acquire 40+ invites? I thought they only give you 10?
really…how’d you get 41?
hey! remember me? hehe.. it’s been awhile, girl! but i’ve been following your knitting escapades with much awe. i too am a knitter, but not as versatile as you!
i linked you on my site, actually have had you linked forever cause i looove coming here :D but if you wanna be affiliates, that would rock.
oh and if you have any gmail invites left, feel free to send one my way ;)
I would love an invite if it’s not too much trouble. Thank you for offering them out!
I would adore a gmail invite if you would wish to give one to me.
May I have a Gmail invite? Please?
I would like to try one too!
348??!!! Holy shit, how did you get so many invites??
Pardon my francoise.
i want a gmail invite. thanks !
how did you get so many invites?
hey ! i’ve been looking for gmail invites for ages. can i get one? btw just looked at your snowflake photo. cool !
You have a mega-pretty site. May I have a G-mail invite? I feel like I’m missing out. :|
Wow, I’ve finally found this site!!! When I used to webdesign, I had this site listed as one of my favorites! I’m glad I finally came here from another site. :D I see it still hasn’t changed and maintains that distinct, ‘soft’ look that I liked in the past as well.
And ah, GMAIL. It seems to be all the craze. How were you able to obtain 348 invites?! :O That’s the most invites I’ve ever seen! Though I’d like to know what the craze is all about, I’ll hold off on that for now and wait ‘til its final release. :) Take care and I’m lovin’ this site! <3
sure, i could use a gmail invite
yeesh, and i thought having 10 gmail invites was making me a cool girl. you’ve way out-cooled me!! lol.
I would appreciate a GMail invite. :red:
I’ve lurked around here for quite a while, I just never really make myself seen. I do love your site though. I’ll stop now. :)
hello. I would love a Gmail invite. Please send me one, becasue I hate deleting email messages and need a bigger box. thanks.
Hey !! Wat yall doin? I LOVE your gmail invites, but I dunno what they are !! Sumone please explain !! Thank you. I am enjoying Wicca, and am more experienced, btu I still dont knoe what a gmail invite is. I appreciate everyones support…Thanks. Love the site !!!!
Love britnie
ohhhh! please send me a gmail invite! i was looking for one just the other day :-) luck me, eh?
I would love a gmail invitation. Thanks for giving them out.
I would like to have an invitation. It is very kind of you giving them out:D
I’d love a Gmail invite! Thanks in advance :)
Hook me up with one of those, please. :) Much appreciated.
Hey, you don’t know me, but I just stumbled across here and as I’ve wanted a Gmail account for a while now, I thought I’d comment and ask you for one. :)