Going Insane

I’ve been thrumming with crack headish energy about the new blogging software. Really. My body is hating me but I am bursting because of this, even when the entire block was without power earlier I lit my tons of candles, nursed Daniel, and throught about the new unfamiliar template tags.

I am so damn excited. I am beyond thrilled right now. I can’t wait until some of my hostees let me know when I can start moving them over! I know Amber is more than willing to help me lol, I already moved Matt over although he hasn’t blogged yet so I put up a test entry, I will export his MT entries and import them into EE all in due time.

This rocks so damn much!



Angel Whispers

Ummmmm, what does it require of me to do?  My schedule is crazy, so I am not sure how much time I can devote to anything puterwise right now.  If you don’t need me… go for it, whenever you want.  Will I lose anything in the move?

Reply to Angel Whispers

Ditto to everything Lisa asked.  I’m in the middle of changing layouts right now, if that makes any difference whatsoever.  New one probably won’t be up until later tonight.

Reply to Melissa

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