kristen @ glambunctious

Gorgeous!!! The dew on the evergreens makes me miss Christmas! You are crazy talented.

Reply to kristen @ glambunctious

Thank you!!

I love macros! Great series.

Thank you so much!

Oh my gosh they’re so lush and green and make me think of the Pacific Northwest. Especially loving the third image. Gorgeous!

Thank you!

Truly beautiful!

Thank you! I’m pretty pleased with how the bokeh turned out in these, I might actually print these (I’m so lazy when it comes to prints).

Nice to see you back and blogging again!

Kandi Young

These are so beautiful!
What kind of camera do you use? Are you self-taught, or have you taken any classes? Do you post-process your images at all?

Reply to Kandi Young

Thank you so much! My camera body is the Nikon D90 and I use a variety of lenses but I tend to stick with my Sigma 105mm Macro, Nikkor 85mm 1/8, and Nikkor 35mm 1/8. I use my Nikkor 50mm 1/8 more for product photos these days on my beauty posts.

I’m totally self-taught! I do post process because I HAVE to as I shoot in RAW.

Oh boy, these pics are SO pretty! Somehow relately: I had to throw the mini pine tree I used as Christmas tree out a while ago. I was told it’d stay alive in the pot, but it really didn’t and I was constantly dealing with loose needles. Poor thing :(

Thank you!

Oh that sucks! It’s surprising how much hydration these trees need to stay green. Last summer it was miserable, super high temps, very little rain, and all the trees turned mostly brown and started dropping needles.

Thankfully this year they seem to have mostly perked up but you can still see some of the damaged parts from last year.

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