If you would like to exchange holiday cards this year, please contact me so we can exchange addresses! A select few are going to get handmade mega-glitterized cards from me as well! Very thrilling I know. This is your last chance to get in on this!
If you would like to exchange holiday cards this year, please contact me so we can exchange addresses! A select few are going to get handmade mega-glitterized cards from me as well! Very thrilling I know. This is your last chance to get in on this!
I would love to! Especially since I am already sending something your way..why not throw a card in too? :P
Um, I’d love a card! LOL *cheesy smile*
Hey!! Long time no see, hon! :) I would love to exchange cards with you (if you remember me, that is!) Glad to see you are doing well! :) *(*hugs*)*
Sarah, I’m not exchanging cards this year but I do wish you a lovely Holiday Season and hope things are brighter in the coming new year.
I’m not one for holiday cards.. but thanks for the offer! ;)
I just wanted to leave a quick note, just commenting on your site.. Seems like a lot of time and effort have been put into it.. very nicely done. Keep up the wonderful work.