Here’s an interesting before and after post checklist for those of you who are bloggers!
Here’s some ways to improve your blog photos.
This is seriously the cutest stapler I’ve ever seen!
I’ve made this pork roast with sweet potatoes and apples a few times and it’s SO GOOD.
Here’s some tips for street photography!
New Theme Details
I sort of… kind of… changed my design. Again.
I went with a more “beachy” color scheme and overall a clean look.
On the sidebar, I added a categories area and larger affiliate images.
On posts, I added in custom share buttons.
We ended up having to bring Whisper back to the shelter (we had her for two months) because the fear she had originally, just increased dramatically and she became super aggressive. My poor husband has so many deep scratches and bites so intense they caused bruises! So the shelter told us to pick out another cat… and we ended up bringing home two male (unrelated) kittens!
Meet Moon (long haired mostly white with a black tail) and Midnight (super dark black)!

I’m totally turning into a cat lady.
Let’s see what else… I’ve been bike riding with my husband lately. I can do a solid two miles and depending on how I feel can go up to 3 or 4 miles.

The weather has finally getting summery, this means I can use the bubble machine!!

My strawberries are starting to ripen which is fantastic.

Beauty wise, I bought even more Makeup Geek eyeshadows and some of her brand new blushes. LOVE. I can’t express how much I fully love her products. The quality is comparable and in some cases, better than, higher end brands like MAC or NARS. Flawless!

I may have gone a bit crazy at Sephora… or in this case four different Sephora’s…

I also re-organized my nail polish wall.

Let me know in the comments how you’ve been doing lately!
I’ve been loving your cat photos. The kitties are so fluffy!
I’ve been feeling so-so — kind of blah and funky and unmotivated. I can’t decide if my iron count is low again or if I’m just tired and need a vacation. Probably some of each.
I need more kitties! MORE KITTIES!
Sounds like a bit of each!
Loving the beachy colors =)
Thank you!
Love the new design. I am always jealous of your creations. And I love that you are becoming a crazy cat lady. Cats rule, dogs drool. lol.
Thank you so much!!! Seriously, my husband is ALWAYS asking me if we could have “just a few more”. I figured out that we could house / afford / take care of properly up to 8.
I’m HEARTING everything about this post! I love all the resources you’ve provided (I’d actually just Pinned the before-and-after blog posting checklist before coming here!), the new colour scheme is beautiful, and your photos are gorgeous. I love all the colours in the eyeshadows and blushes!
I’m sorry you had to take Whisper back to the shelter, hopefully her next home is someone she settles with – and welcome to your new kitties! They’re beautiful!
Thank you!
It doesn’t look like she’s been adopted yet, I stalk the shelter website heh. It breaks my heart but I know she just needs a really quiet and small family and to be an only cat.
Your nail polish wall makes me giddy.
It’s already different from the photo in the post because I had my husband add FOUR MORE longer shelves (removing the three smaller ones) and even then I don’t have enough room for some of my polishes.
Debating if I should do some sort of “blog sale” on polishes I am no longer in love with, thoughts?
Glad to hear things are going well. We planted an entire plot of strawberries, fenced them off from chippies, bunnies and birds but still something is getting them before we do. So far we’ve managed 3 ripe strawberries for ourselves and dozens for some mystery critter. It’s frustrating to say the least. Glad your plot is producing successfully and undisturbed. :)
Well, just found out I have a concussion (after two weeks of thinking I was developing brain cancer heh) so I’ve been dealing with that.
Ugh, a lot of our berries got eaten too but overall got a good crop this year. Only sad that it’s over!