My New Purple Hair

After pondering it for a few YEARS, last night I finally went ahead and got my hair colored purple!

I knew 100% I did not want to do this at home because I didn’t want to risk damaging my hair (although you can’t avoid ALL damage because bleach is involved) and I wanted a professional to do it.

Turns out? The majority of salons will NOT color your hair a “crazy” color. My husband started calling salons all over for me and after a lot of “You mean… you want to do that ON PURPOSE?!” responses he FINALLY discovered this freaking amazing salon, It’s All About You Hair Salon whose only response was “Not a problem! Schedule an appointment!”.

So after my dentist appointment (ugh, that’s a whole other dramatic fiasco of upcoming pain) I stopped over to even see if we could get my hair to go from super dark (at the mid-shaft to ends from a bad super dark brown dye job) to the required lightness needed for the color!

Lonnngggg story short, no really, I was there for TWELVE HOURS (from 4pm to just past 4am!), my hair DID lighten and the colorist/stylist/amazing person of AWESOME (she was also the owner!) made my hair PURPLE! She also had the most fantastic assistant. And I judge that, probably due to watching a lot of shows like Tabatha Takes Over. I still can’t get over how welcoming it was at that salon. It felt like I knew them for years! Just their dedication ALONE was fantastic, to stay there for ONE CLIENT until the crack of dawn… that’s loving your job!

I’ll be going back next week for a haircut because they offer for new clients, a FREE haircut with any color service (or 50% of your first haircut there). Excited about that for sure!

There’s THREE colors in my hair. For the purple we have the brand Pravana in the color Violet which is the majority of the purple and then some lighter more pinky shade of Wild Orchid. The at my roots which were my natural color and some grey, it’s a darker violet-auburn.

So here’s the end result. Not the best photos because I slept the day away with the little one so these are indoor with flash, but still! AWESOMENESS! Also, why do I always look odd trying to take a photo of myself when I’m wearing my glasses? They always look jacked up.

(Be kind, I really don’t like photos of myself!)




It looks amazing! :3

Reply to Kait

Thank you!



Reply to Crystal

YAY!!! It’s a bit more brighter in person I think but I had NO natural light.

LOVE!!!! It’s beautiful!!

Sweet!! Thank you!!!


It looks awesome! I love purple hair.

Reply to Nicole

Thank you!!


VERY pretty! You may have given me the courage to one day do a bold color :)

Reply to Amanda

Thank you! I highly suggest the salon I went too and your hair doesn’t have the crazy dark brown/black dye that wouldn’t leave so it wouldn’t take as long as mine did LOL. They also had some BRIGHT RED colors and I thought of you!

Beth Zimmerman

It looks wonderful! Enjoy! :)

Reply to Beth Zimmerman

Thank you so much!

Mary@Everyday Baby Steps

So brave! I love it. I’ve been contemplating what to do with my hair next. I want something that will stand out. Thanks for the inspiration!

Reply to Mary@Everyday Baby Steps

Thank you!!!

1. The purple looks great.
2. Your EYES totally stand out now! They’re so pretty!

I love it!

Aww thank you!!

I’ve been thinking about doing something like that since before my kid was born over 2 years ago. My thinking was that I’d never been able to have non-natural hair colors due to my job, but being a stay-at-home parent, it wouldn’t matter what color my hair was. I just haven’t gotten around to actually doing it yet.
Those colors look great, by the way!

Thank you! I was so thrilled to find a salon that did it because I see so many people do something like this at home and they KILL their hair with the bleach, leaving it on for HOURRRRSSSSS on end and applying heat to it. Freaks me out!


Purple hair suits you Sarah! It looks fantastic! :)

Reply to Melodie

Thank you so much!!!

Ooo, neat!!! I love the idea of really bold color, even if I’m not brave enough to try it. :-)

Thank you! Maybe one of these I’ll attempt blue hair!

Amanda Jillian

It looks AMAZING! And for some reason I have decided that taking self portraits with glasses is just asking for trouble lol.

Reply to Amanda Jillian

Thank you!!! I feel like I look WEIRD without glasses for the most part but then trying to get a decent shot WITH glasses doesn’t work either lol!

Amanda Jillian

I always cut my eyes in half with my frames when I wear my glasses in person.

Reply to Amanda Jillian

I absolutely LOVE your hair! I had my mom dye my hair purple in high school and by the time Halloween came around, it had faded to grey. The only perk of that was people thought it was purposeful to go along with my costume (which I think might’ve been a witch?) haha. Not so much.

Oh, and you look absolutely darling in your pictures! Never fret!!

Reply to Mika

Thank you!!!!

Jake Aryeh Marcus

Totally experienced the difficulty in finding a place that will dye untraditional colors which is why my extreme reds and the occasional blue and purple stripes have been home jobs. Your color looks fantastic but I would start cutting myself if I had to be in a hair salon for 12 hours. Argh! For future reference, once you go gray you can skip the bleaching part. I think I might try more purple. You inspired me! And I am very gray.

Reply to Jake Aryeh Marcus

Thank you so much! It actually wasn’t so bad, I didn’t feel uncomfortable or weird being there so long but it was tiring for sure!


It looks great!

My hair stylist at Macys knows how much I love dying my hair crazy colors so she actually told me when they got purple in! I need to set an appt, but I keep forgetting :

Reply to Zel

Thank you! Oh your stylist sounds awesome!!


Looks lovely and suits you, just wish I had some hair to do something similar… I suppose I need to be a little more creative in my thinking :) But as I said, very nice

Reply to Darren

Thank you so much Darren!!!!


It looks really lovely! I’ve seen people with purple hair make it look shocking and awful but yours looks absolutely classy! They did such an amazing job of making it look like it could be your natural hair colour!

Eugh, though, 12 hours at the salon sounds like my own personal hell. I hate salons, LOL

Reply to Samantha

Thank you!!!! LOL it wasn’t so bad, just tiring.

lou lou

I LOVE IT!!!!!!

Reply to lou lou

YAY!! Thank you!!!


Love it! Looks great on you!

Reply to Sita

Thanks Sita!!


it looks cute :D

Reply to Jenny



Love it! I wish I was brave enough to do something like that. It looks beautiful!

Reply to Casey

Wow that colour looks INCREDIBLE on you! It really brings out your eyes and that colour is such a perfect, soft purple that is so beautiful.

Reply to Caity

Great hair! Looks fab!

Reply to Damita

OMG! I totally love it! You look too young to have grey hair!! That’s one dedicated stylist and assistant. 12 hours, wow. It turned out amazing.

Btw, you’re totally beautiful! Own it! ;)


Reply to Gypsie

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