So I decided to attempt NaBloPoMo. What the heck is that you ask? National Blog Posting Month. Where you (attempt anyway) post every single day.
So ANY suggestion on what I could write about would be super appreciated. Otherwise you’ll be stuck with either depressive posts about my abusive childhood or me rambling about my newest nail polish obsession. Seriously, I love some shiny glittery cosmetics! I may even do a few posts on how to make your blog suck less! If I can think of any, I may even do some photography tutorials.
So are you participating in NaBloPoMo this year? Have you participated in previous years? Any suggestions to make me not suck at this?
i tried last year. i just found this email conversation where i told my brother i was going to do it. but when i look at my blog archives for november 2010 i see that i didn’t even get a post up on the second day ad only managed 6 posts the whole month. i intend to do better this year.
I could have sworn I would have tried at least ONCE over the last ten years here at OSN but… apparently not LOL!
I would love to read about shiny glittery cosmetics, but maybe that’s just me.
Post recipes, what the weather’s like where you live/your personal predictions for it tomorrow, look up your horoscope and write about it, review some books or movies that you like/hate, dedicate a post to what makes you happy, something you learned today, if you watch TV a prediction of what will happen on the next episode… I don’t know if that helps, I realized my suggestions mainly have to do with clairvoyance. If you like to write stories, ask for a prompt for a one-page one and post it? I believe in you, Sarah!
Oh it’s so on. I have a lot of shiny glittery cosmetics LOL!
Funny enough I’m always telling my family how I’m NOT PSYCHIC and here I am going to predict the future!
Wish it had been last month – I had a post every day – I suppose I could do it again – but I do have a very busy month.
As far as topic suggestions…mmmmmm **puts on thinking cap** it’s never too early to start planning christmas (so perhaps some ideas on home made gifts or decorations. Since it is Thanksgiving this month – perhaps a week where you talk about 1 thing each day you are grateful for (or more days if you had more to write on that topic), it’s a time of year for shedding what is not needed – so perhaps once a day for a week you find something you don’t need and can donate, gift, or toss and write about where the item came, why it was still around, was it hard to let go of it or easy.
Hope that helped to kick start the creative wheels in motion. If I think of anything else I’ll pop back :)
Thanks for the suggestions! I’m hoping I can do this lol.
Well I decided to take the plunge! And I’m going to give it a try for Nov. – I signed up and added the badge to my blog – if we get stuck maybe we can help each other come up with things to blog about – for now I have notes jotted now for posts up thru the 15th (so that covers the time just past the weekend retreat I’ll be attending) – when I get back from the retreat I’m sure I can post a few days about the workshops and fire walking I’ll participating in during the retreat – that should carry me until the last week of the month.
I’m completely new to blogging, but working up the nerve to give it a go. Here are some things I suggest: what are your hobbies and why and how did that become your hobby? What is your favourite genre of movies and books, and why? (I like the why of things, obviously :) ) What were you like in high school and how do you think that helped you become who you are now? If you could choose ONE song to describe your life, what song would it be and what about it is what makes it fit YOU? There’s a few for ya :).
Sweet! Thank you for all the suggestions!!!
Come on in and the blogging waters are lovely this time of year! There are lots of helpful folks if you need it (love OSN for all the great info). I’ve been blogging for a few years now, since 2006 – I’ve taken a break now and then but I really enjoy it. My current blog is only about a month old and I’m loving the fresh start and looking forward to what new surprises await.
Bright blessings, Lady Rose
I wouldn’t mind posts about nail polish obsessions. Shiny and glittery would be great!
Between that and photography, I’d say you’ve got it pretty much covered. Anything else is bonus.
Oh, and I’m going to try to do it. I took a huge hiatus, so we’ll see if I can remember how to write and schedule posts to make this blog thing work.
Oh. SO ON lol!
I figure I got a lock for most Wednesday’s since I normally try to do WordlessWednesday (not doing it tomorrow though lol).
I’m doing it this year! I did it in 2009 and was successful. I wasn’t really blogging last year because of everything going on but I bet I can do it again! :)
I love the photography tutorial idea! Maybe you could even do a DITL (day in the life) with photos! I might do one of those.
Love this idea.. i hope to try this :) Im already on a roll 2 posts in 2 days :D
Try looking up “Writing Prompts” on Google. You’ll have to wade through a few links to sites for elementary teaches, but there are some great ideas in those lists!