Playing Catch Up

The past few months have been so very stressful.

I got injured (I would say more but it happened at a store and it hasn’t been resolved). My husband got hit by a drunk driver (thankfully he’s fine), and we’re currently dealing with car repairs on that car. Our storm door randomly shattered as did one of the shelves in our old backup fridge. And lastly my computer up and died (well the processor overheated).

At least when it comes to the computer situation, it meant I got to build a new one that is far more awesome. I also splurged and got a new monitor (Samsung 32″) which I’m still getting used to as my previous monitor was 24″.

My garden is coming to its summer end, still have some tomatoes and peppers going. Herbs are good. A few more pumpkins are starting to grow and I believe we have a few more melons as well. Next year, once we have built more boxes (and by “we” I mean my husband), I will be able to experiment more with different vegetables or just different varieties of what we already grow in general. Curious to see if our peach trees will produce next year, I didn’t really expect much this year from them. Trying to figure out what to plant for an autumn garden, I think it’s fairly close to a spring one? Radishes, lettuces, herbs, peas maybe? Any advice would be appreciated!

What else… my son Dan and I are really excited about the new World of Warcraft expansion in a couple weeks! Hopefully it’s better than Draenor.

I want to update my FAQ area, so if you have any questions, now is a good time to ask them.

Let me know how you all have been doing lately, trying to get back into the swing of things!




I don’t know why but I’m drawing a blank on fall gardening. I know there are some things that taste better after the first freeze — kale, and similar?? — I just can’t think of them. I’ll text you if I recall. :)

Reply to Crystal

All I can think of is spring veggies… and garlic.


Oh my! I’m glad you’re okay and certainly glad your husband is okay! My maternal grandfather was killed by a drunk driver when my mom was only 8-years-old. It’s saddening how selfish people’s decisions are especially when it comes to driving under the influence.

When I lived at home (many years ago, it seems) my dad would always build a new computer every year and him and I would be so excited. I never took on his hobby of building / repairing computers, unfortunately.

I would love to grow some pumpkins! A garden just seems really fun and relaxing.

Reply to Ashley

I really appreciate that and I am so sad about your grandfather. I can sort of relate. My maternal grandfather was a police officer and died on duty when my grandmother was pregnant with my mother.

AHH if I were able to build a computer yearly LOL! This time I went a little more flashy, full tower… LED lights, rainbow LED mouse and mousepad (to match my keyboard!) and a new monitor.

World of Warcraft and Minecraft run beautifully on it thankfully.

It can be fun… but stressful because every year it’s something! Last year… aphids. This year the intense heat. Still, there is just something about going to your yard and picking a beautiful tomato (or in our case, a massive tray full) or herbs or beans… I LOVE that part!

So very sorry to hear about the injuries and car accidents. Hopefully everything works out.

Our tomatoes are having a problem turning red and seem to want to stay green. Have you had any problems with your tomatoes?

I appreciate that!

We didn’t have any tomato issues this year, however what are your temps like? And what variety are they?

cassie cardillio

soooooo happy your husband is okay!

i have played WOW before but i am not much of a gamer except i like sims :)

Reply to cassie cardillio

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