Remember to click Immortality for me! I only need 30 more unique clicks!
I would love whomever can record on Monday, May 19th 9/8pm Martha, Inc. The Martha Stewart Story for me on NBC!! I don’t get NBC in on my tv, (or CBS for that matter) so PLEASEEEEE someone record this for me! I will do anything to have that on tape! PUHLEASEEE!
Woah, I did not know James Marsters (plays Spike on Buffy) was 40 years old! He was born in 1962… dang… I thought he was like 26 at MOST!
Whew okay lastly, I answered more questions over at the Q&A!
O.O Forty? I never would’ve guessed that, either! Hmm…
And, I think I’ve already missed the Martha Stewart thing in my area. And I don’t know you so why would you want a stranger sending you something? XD
lol… I was pretty surprised when I first heard that James Marsters thing too. He pulls 40 off pretty well, huh? :)
40!!!! Well I’m just weirded out now….