
Thank you so much David for this from my amazon wishlist!! It totally made my day!

Work was ok, bleh work tomorrow 11am-8pm.

Poor chublet has my cold. You can’t tell really except he is congested, coughing, running nose, but his demeanor is as perky as ever.

My lovely hostlet whom I adore forever and ever has the most fantastic new design!

Bleh so much I would like to update around here but no time! Well, until my days off at least.

There is a mandatory store meeting on Sunday. So I am scheduled from noon until ten bleh. However, it is suggested we bring snacks and drinks… so I would like to bake a few things to share… any suggestions?

Also, OSN is coming up for renewal in about 2 weeks… should I keep OSN or should I get a new domain? I would like to hear everyones thoughts on that.




Aww, I wish I had a wishlist that people actually bought me stuff from.  That’s so nice!  Anyways, I think you should keep OSN, but hey, it’s your domain, do what you want!

Reply to Melissa

Sarah, I posted a new Apple Strudel recipe on my blog for yesterday. It’s very whole food crunchy yummy and LOW CALORIE AND FAT!  Key words for all women.  Super easy to make and double or triple as may be your case. 

I say keep OSN it’s so romantic.  Smooches!

Reply to Barb

I hope Chubs feels better soon! I think I’m starting to feel the same way, but I think he’s better about it than I am! : D

For drinks and snacks I suggest tortillas and salsa – yummy, healthy and low fat! Oh, and water or some kind of juice. But since Halloween (and Samhain) is coming up, maybe some more of those pumpkin cookies (you could decorate them!) that Barb suggested wouldn’t be amiss.

And thank you for the plug, it was very sweet of you. :-)

Reply to Kristin

…of course I totally forgot to mention that I absolutely love OSN, it makes me smile and think of how beautiful nature is whenever I see it.

Reply to Kristin

Keep OSN! Keep OSN! *starts up a cheer*  I always usually take chips or something as snacks to things where snacks/drinks are encouraged to be brought along but that might be a lil boring.. I guess you could take like some cookies or something, little finger foods are always good :)

Reply to Shelle
Angel Whispers

Ohhhh, I hope you keep OSN, I love that name!

Reply to Angel Whispers

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