
My little boy is going to be 15 months old tomorrow!! I feel bad for him though, those molars must be murder on his wee tender gums. Heh, I was just reflecting how my mother expressed such shock that I could nurse a baby that has… *gasp* teeth! I mean he isn’t chewing to get the milk out heh.

I think he is going through a small growth spurt as he is nursing all of the time, heck even as I type this! Whatever, doesn’t bother me in the slightest I just worry that he will grow out of his diaper covers since they already are a bit short on him. heh, they need to have wishlists at cloth diaper websites!

I took a picture of him last night, sticking his tongue out like usual ahha and a picture of myself, but since I don’t like myself all that much physically, I don’t really like the picture. Jenn said I look really tired in it heh, tired? That’s for wimps! I merely… do not sleep haha. Actually I have been having a lot of horrid dreams about my current situation. The dreams get more bold, more daring, and I wake up and it feels like… I just found out two minutes ago what happened. Maybe because I hit the one month mark already. I know… time flies.




I remember a time, when I was quite young, that every Mom I ever asked, “How are you?”, answered “tired”. Now that I’ve been a Mom for 21 years I think back and yes, I too have always answered “tired”.  I think it goes with the territory!

Reply to Barb

Your mother would have really freaked out over me, then, not only nursing a child who had a full mouth of teeth, but could walk and talk and specifically request the “boo-boo” too. LMAO. And even though he is weaned now, he still sometimes tries to pull my shirt up and see if he can get something….then just laughs when he finds they are still empty. *giggle*
Hang in there, girl, you are doing good…and I havent forgotten about you, either…lost your info though during a crash and burn, so as soon as I get the stuff together I want to send, I’ll probably be e-mailing you for it again. :D *(*(*hugs*)*)*

Reply to Tricia

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