101.4 is what we are at currently I just do not want to wake him up for Motrin.
I called my sisters work and called off for her as she is still very ill. Surprisingly my job called me, at first to see if I could come in earlier but I explained the situation the the lovely manager found someone who wanted the extra hours so I don’t have to come in today and tomorrow I already had off. So this is a very good thing so I can just hover over Daniel until he is better.
I have had very little sleep. Thank you everyone for your concern… this just realllllly sucks.
Oh man, I hope he gets better soon.
I hope you both feel better soon. If not, go to the doctor! *hugs* Warm wishes sent your way.
Awwww, poor sweet, Chublet! I hope you all feel better soon! We have had many kids out with high fevers at school this week. One girl I wanted to slap the mother… I know that sometimes it’s hard to make arrangements or whatever, but this poor sweetie had 104.6 temperature and waited over an hour and a half for her mom to pick her up!!! She fell asleep sitting in a chair at the office leaning her head against the wall. How sad is that? :o(
Chubs is very lucky to have you for his mom!
Damn what a fever. Take care of that. Very nice layout specially the blend of the leaves.
Aww poor kid! It’s awful being sick, I just can’t imagine how much worse it is for a child.
aww i hope everything gets better.. being really sick is like the worest thing in the world.. and anytime you want to know how to make a coffee just ask!.. i can make every kind just about!
Ouch, that’s a pretty high fever over there, I hope he gets better and your sister too!
Sorry to hear about your sister. I hope she feels better. You have an awesome site by the way :)
This site is SO beautiful! *jealousy* =D
Wow.. Awesome site and you have a very kind manager there!;)
I’m really sorry, still. You’d better take care of yourself as well.. No one wants you, your sister and Daniel being sick all at once. That won’t be good now. /hugs.