Thank you everyone for the birthday comments, I really appreciate it.
My birthday well… the less said the better I suppose. I won’t make the mistake of thinking it is a special day anymore.
I haven’t been writing because I have nothing to write about. I work, I play with my son, I make dinner, I knit, I sleep. I suppose I could start posting more knitting stuff? Not sure if anyone would be interested though.
Umm, I would like to exchange Samhain / Halloween cards and such so let me know if you’re interested!
Oh and there is a new very restricted friends group entry on my livejournal.
:( What happened on your birthday? Can I read your LJ entry?
I’m sorry your birthday was bad :( I’d be interested in the knitting stuff! I knit :)
I really hope things work out for you, I’m sorry your birthday wasn’t what it should have been. :(