Strawberry Festival… Was a Bust and MORE!

Since the Long Grove Apple Fest is normally pretty good, we thought we’d check out the Long Grove Strawberry Festival, assuming it would be overloaded with strawberry goodness and goods.

Sadly, there was hardly a berry to be found.

This is the only photo I got and that’s because I pretty much purchased all those berries, which is basically ALL the berries they had. We also bought a LOT of pie. Apple pie, apple strawberry pie, strawberry pie, strawberry rhubarb pie. We are going to have a LOT of dessert this week!

Thankfully they were the same size / price that we get at the farmer’s market. Tristan (of course) ate about half a quart on the drive home!

So once we dropped the expensive yet tasty pies and berries off at home, we then went to my ex-almost-brother-in-law’s place for a pre-3rd-birthday party for my niece.

It was super fun, ignoring the fact I got mauled by mosquitoes AGAIN (I’m delicious yo!). My boys had a BLAST.

Be kind, I don’t do a lot of people photography.

Tristan was hardcore about the chocolate frosting...
Amanda's (ex-almost-BIL's girlfriend) son.

Amanda, Odis, and Tina (Odis's mom)
My niece Galina, also hardcore about the chocolate

Onto other things, few people have wondered what’s gone on since the twincident (seriously, love Kristi for coming up with that!).

Well a lot and nothing. She hasn’t made DIRECT contact with me however I heard from my mother that apparently I’m going around, saying I hate my parents, that I want them dead, that I can’t wait for my parents to die so I can get all their money and worldly possessions. That I’m “crazy” and “insane” and evil.

My own mother told me that I was “jealous” of my sister, it’s the only explanation for why I posted “such awful things, you only have ONE sister”. I don’t understand that logic one bit. Oh and her friends, the ones I mentioned in the post? She has them convinced I’m lying. Which doesn’t really make sense either because well, I’m not lying for one and second, I have the text messages to back me up on everything.

Even after everything, I still feel like I’m lacking closure. Probably doesn’t help that every other day I’m finding out MORE awful things she’s done / is doing / has said / currently saying about me.

On the plus side of life, I have a fridge full of pie, fresh strawberries AND rhubarb, and I recently got the very cool Cooking Light app. I am linking to their FAQ about it. I haven’t gotten many apps lately but I’ll start posting about them when I do.

I’m really struggling weight wise, just totally burned out on measuring food / counting “points” and calories. I’ve been stuck since January. I’m also totally burned out on cooking. It’s super frustrating. Any tips on how to get back on track and enjoy cooking again?

I have a surplus of fresh super ripe peaches… not sure what to do with them that isn’t peach cobbler!

How was your weekend? Any plans for the the week?




Love the sparkler photos! Also, try peach salsa. Or grilling them. :) And for what it’s worth, I can get out of a cooking slump by finding a new kitchen gadget that I want to try.

Reply to Jill

OH peach salsa… that’s a good one because I actually BUY peach salsa every so often lol.

Tonight I’m just doing bbq chicken in the crockpot… wondering if I toss some chopped up peach in there, how that would work out?

I think we have pretty much all kitchen gadgets although I really want this fancy popsicle maker thing for the kids. It’s costly… but fancy.


I know I’ve seen some recipe that combined bbq and peaches, but I can’t remember what it was. Try it!

Reply to Jill

LOL I ended up doing cobbler… it was tasty though!


I loved the pictures, Sarah! you ARE insane for thinking that you don’t take good people pictures. They are very lovely. All the kiddos had a blast and that is all that matters… all the other drama can shove it. Our little men get along great and I can’t say enough good stuff about Danny. He is such a thoughtful and considerate little boy. Thank you so much to you and your family for coming on Saturday.

Reply to Amanda

Thank you so much! It really means a lot to me AND to Daniel (aside from myself and Keith, he never got praised by anyone in my family). He’s been glowing since I mentioned your FB comment (on his photo).

Wow, these are SUPER photos! I especially love the ones of your niece.

Sorry the sister issues still have you down. I’ve found it takes a long time to get over personal betrayals. You may never have real closure, but hopefully you’ll get to a point where you can feel some peace about it.

Thank you! I have to admit, her red fingernails and toenails were DRIVING ME INSANE (I just don’t approve of that color at that age and to have it professionally done either).

I’m hoping that by the time school starts for Dan, there won’t be any new drama with her. It’s tiring already to find out what ELSE she is saying about me to our parents.

Even though I don’t know the people in your pics, I can feel the love coming right through your lenses. Your boys – and Galina – are just beautiful.
About the twincident – I know what you mean. If she had made contact and you two spoke or even fought it out, it would have given you some type of closure. She seems like such a coward.

Thank you so much!!

You’re right, if she directly acknowledged my email, or was HONEST to the people around her about what I wrote, I would feel differently.

Sorry the Strawberry festival sucked! At least you got SOME strawberries out of it.

I’m very sorry that lies and “siding” has driven such a rift in your family, but I like what you said, that you have to put yourself, your husband and your children before the triviality of the drama caused by your sister’s immaturity.

Also, the pictures are absolutely wonderful. Your niece is a gorgeous little girl and you’ve captured her in such a lovely way.

I need to figure out what to do with the berries, they are in the fridge at the moment…

It’s sad but not exactly surprising that my parents would rather believe I’d want them dead than the fact of my sister being an alcoholic with issues and a possible STD.

It’s always been that way.

Oh my niece is so cute, she really is.


I agree with the comment about you taking gorgeous people pictures! They’re lovely!

Reply to Karla

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