

One of our cats, Tiger (female), passed away today.

She was very ill and had cancer and we knew it was just a matter of time. We had planned on taking her to the local shelter next week to be put down, but we actually feel better that she passed away in a home where she was cared for and loved rather then at the shelter by artificial means.

Keith is taking it decently well, he is actually surprised that he hasn’t completely broken down.

I figure it’s because we’ve had time to adjust to her being sick, we both knew it was going to happen soon, and we had planned on taking her to be put down next week so we had time to mentally adjust to not having her around as well.

Daniel is worried that our other cat is going to be lonely and is processing this news as best as he can.






I’m so sorry for your loss of Tiger. She was such a beautiful kitty. I hope that she passed comfortably and peacefully.

Reply to Jenn

Thank you, I’m ok with it generally, I did cry of course, but I’ve had a LOT more cats in my life than Keith and I’ve had cats who’ve died, had cancer, etc so I was more emotionally prepared. I think to a degree he feels guilty that he isn’t hysterically weeping and I had to explain that there is no specific way to grieve.

It’s hard because now both he and my son want more cats RIGHT NOW because what about poor Rokky being lonely. I keep having to explain that we need to grieve Tiger before getting more animals.


Aww :( Sarah, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. *hugs*

Reply to Sarah

Thank you, I think it’s starting to hit Keith a bit more now, as he’s getting a bit snippy/testy with us.

Sarah (thewenchywiccan)

I’m so sorry for your loss. :(

Reply to Sarah (thewenchywiccan)

Thank you, I think it was just really hard seeing her lifeless body considering just a month or two ago how very active she used to be.

Mama Kelly of 2 Witches Blog

I am sorry for your loss but glad that Tiger got to pass away in the comfort of her own home with the scents of those she loved around her.

Reply to Mama Kelly of 2 Witches Blog

Thank you, that’s how I feel, and she was able to go at her OWN time I think was important too. Really that she lived this long is surprising considering how long she’s had the cancer.

Sarah, I’m so sorry to hear about Tiger. She was gorgeous and I’m sure she was well loved!


I’m so sorry :( she was a beautiful kitty!

Reply to P.A.

I’m sorry hun :(

Reply to Damita

Oh hun I’m so sorry to hear about Tiger. *hugs*

Reply to Caity

I found out yesterday that my cat passed as well. He was living at my mom’s apt in TX. One of her neighbors came to her door to tell her that her cat was stumbling around outside, she got out there and he laid down meowed one last time at her and died. She thinks he either got into some type of poison or was bit by a snake as there were no outward signs of injury and he had been fine before that. I have been pretty sad but also very surprised that I haven’t cried yet. I guess I have slowly been distancing myself from him over the years he has been living with her cause I missed him so much at first.

Anywho I am so very sorry to hear about Tiger, she was absolutely beautiful. I hope your grief can pass quickly so you can get back to remembering the good kitten-y, playful times with love and happiness. /huggles

@Samantha, Caity, Damita, thank you it means a lot!

@P.A, it’s amazing how quickly she went downhill, the cancer took over (physically a lot of sores and lost a lot of weight) in just a few weeks time. She was quite cute beforehand.

@Sharon, I think it’s easier to deal with a loss of a pet when you’re gradually able to distance yourself emotionally. We knew it was only a matter of time, we planned on putting her down next week, so it gave us time to adjust mentally/emotionally to it. I am so sorry that you are going through the same thing, your mom must be sad too.


Your entire family has my condolences. I’m glad that Tiger was around people that she loved and knew cared for her at her end.

Reply to Erin

Thank you so much!


Awww that poor bebe…. had too many critter pass away and it breaks your heart more and more each time it happens:( /hugs for all of you

Reply to Amber

It’s hard for Keith because he’s never really gone through it cept for earlier this year with his dog, now one of the cats… where as (well as you remember) we kept getting a LOT of kitties from the shelter, and some we had for a week or less, our first cat, Princess, died while my sister and I were visiting IL… so I am able to process it better.


Oh dear Sarah, I’m so sorry to hear! Losing pets is very hard. I have a cat right now (named Tigger heh) and she’s now 11 years old. We have to enjoy all the moments we can with them. She was a gorgeous girl! Big hugs all around!

Reply to Kristin

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