Today So Far

It’s really lovely outside today. When I get home I am going to take Daniel on a long walk (he will ride his bike). I also need help figuring out dinner. So… HELP haha.

I also got asked out heh, go figure! This cute guy stopped in reguarding metal something or other and I explained we don’t do retail blah blah and was showing him something outside when out of nowhere, “you have beautiful eyes” so I agreed, yes I have beautiful eyes thank you. I run in to grab a business card and he says, “it would be a shame if you had a boyfriend” and I’m thinking yeah it would be a REAL SHAME and I said, “well I don’t but um ok here’s the card” and then it happens. “Would you like to maybe go out sometime?” I just couldn’t help but think, what in the world is going on this week! I must be emitting I NEED SEX vibes or something. So I am nice “no thank you” and he goes “well I thought I would ask” so I am all BYE BYE NOW.

So yeah.

Onto other news. Everyone must go Imagine and if anything view the video. I was trying so hard not to cry hysterically watching that.

I realised. I love Ikea. Ikea loves me. I shall spend a lot of money at Ikea the next few months. (Why yes I have come up with a money plan that includes massive Ikea goodness between now and January)

Mmmm crisp bottled purified water. How I like thee just enough even though you do not have bubbles.




Album Art for Love at First Sight

Kylie Minogue

Love at First Sight

Album Art for Where You Are

John Summit & Hayla

Where You Are

Album Art for Feel Your Love (Rapture)

Duncan Laurence & Tanishk Bagchi

Feel Your Love (Rapture)

Album Art for Feel Your Love (Rapture)

Duncan Laurence & Tanishk Bagchi

Feel Your Love (Rapture)


I got lost in Ikea once… They have maps and I still got lost! In a shop! Hehe.

Reply to Nikki-ann

I like filtered water more than bottled water.  I think it’s because I don’t trust those crazy companies with purifying my water.

Reply to candis

i love the imaginegoodness. i’m so, glad you liked it sarahbanana.

Reply to MareKat24

hehe, poor guy :B

Reply to Simon

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