I had recently joined an active message board and had posted some of my recent photography and had a very good response, well generally on forums I tend to thank each person so example:
My original post
Happy response
I thank the person and offer information based on their response
Happy response
I thank the person and offer information based on their response
Happy response
I thank the person and offer information based on their response
So this morning I saw someone had “u2u” me and it was a person saying I was “power posting” because I was not letting a “lot of replies” build up before responding myself to threads that I had started.
Um. k.
So I u2u’d the person back explaining how I was responding in the threads and she responded basically that I can not DIRECLTY respond to a person in a thread i created that I have to let “a few” responses build up before I am permitted to respond.
So not happy with the ‘net world. I feel like I can’t find any message board where I can be comfortable at.