I was so tired today that I napped for an hour while the laundry was in the dryer (since my son was out running errands with my father). I really hope I am not getting sick. The weather is dropping from 60 degrees to under 30 degrees and it’s supposed to snow. So this weekend I have to go out and purchase all of the snow gear (snow suit, snow boots, hat, mittens, new winter coat) for my son. I might get gloves for myself we’ll see.
I haven’t been taking many photos since the zoo on Sunday. My not feeling good plus really crappy weather and dark skies doesn’t really inspire me. I really wish I could find a local friend to shoot with sometimes. I will be looking for a new tripod in February, any suggestions for a really stable, light, heavy duty tripod and head? I also need a really good camera bag, I would prefer one that slings over the shoulder like a messenger type bag if possible… so recommendations?
I am dreading this upcoming Monday because my sister and her fiance are going to Florida for a few days and I have to take them to O’Hare by FIVE AM! I already made it very clear that they must provide either cash or a gift card in the amount for 4-6 venti latte’s. I am not a Monday person, much less a morning person, and then I have to be at work by 8am. I am not going to survive!
Lastly, who wants to exchange holiday cards? Email me your address and I will respond likewise! Also include if you want a print of any of my photos (be specific and give your top 3 choices!).
This layout is soooo pretty. I would hate to have to wake up and be somewhere at 5 am. I hate being up and about at 8! lol
I’m sending an email with my address so we can exchange cards. :)