New Design… Circles!
After months and months… I’ve finally redesigned OneStarryNight!
I’ve gone back to a standard two column, more typical “blog” format with the index page displaying one full post and then excerpts.
On the sidebar I have added a “Currently Reading”, “Current Beauty Love”, and “Current Giveaway” sections!
Design wise, most of it is done on the backend. There is NO way I’d have time to manually make everything into a circle so I’ve made it so the featured image attached to each post, is turned into a background image, THEN turned that into a circle via the magic of CSS.
Overall, I’ve tried to add just tiny touches here and there… for example if you hover over an item in my navigation bar, you’ll see stars and if you click on the search bar in my sidebar area… it has a nifty effect as well, stuff like that all over the site.
I will probably still be tweaking it here and there, as I often do, just because I want everything to be super fantastic.
If you have any questions, come across any errors, or just want to tell me how awesome my new design is, leave a comment!
This post is over a year old which means the content may be outdated or no longer accurate.
I love the new layout! It’s clean, and redefined and starry… and very YOU!
Thank you! I couldn’t have done it without our late night talks lol!
Looks fantastic!
Thank you!
It looks fantastic! I love what you have done. The circles are adorable and so are the text effects. Great work as always.
Thank you so much!
Ooh LOVE it!!! Love everything about it! Great job, Sarah! :)
YAY thank you!!
I love the currently reading! I used to have all of my read books (from on my blog but I took it off when it got more beauty-ish. I love knowing what other people are reading so I might have to reinstate my bookshelf after seeing it here!
I read. SO MUCH. Seriously. I love to read and after I had my youngest, I read more on my iPhone (via the Kindle and iBooks apps) because I can read late at night in the dark lol. And considering I was reading 2-3 books “normally” before that? I read maybe 5-7 books a week now.
Holy cracker barrels! 5-7 books a WEEK! You are my hero! I used to read like 50 books a year, but then I haven’t has as much time recently. But I need to prioritize b/c I love to read! Have you read Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn? It was one of my favorites that I’ve read this year. What’s one of yours?
I have not read that! I typically like YA Supernatural fiction or standard Supernatural fiction. Vampires, witches, faeries, oh my!
An example of authors I LOVE would be Kim Harrison, Seanan McGuire, Deborah Harkness, Jenn Bennett, Dean Koontz, Rebecca Maizel…
I have to be careful with more “realistic” stories because I tend to over empathize (which really is a character flaw of mine overall) and turn into a hot mess.
But generally I’ll read anything I can get my hands on.
I like a lot of YA in general, and supernatachy is one of my favorite genres! I went through a Koontz kick awhile back where I couldn’t stop reading his books. Intensity is one of my all-time favorite books ever. How he packed that much tension onto the printed page is incredible to me!
I usually swerve away from sad books b/c I prefer an adventurous escape – suspense, vampires, crime – over something that might cause tears. I hate crying! I also avoid movies that look like tear-jerkers because NO. I got tricked into watching The Notebook eons ago and ended up face-down on my bed wailing like an infant! I definitely prefer laughter, or even being scared or creeped out, over crying.
Mine would be Lightning for Dean Koontz.
Yeah, I LOVE The Notebook but… it’s hard to watch only because I’m a hysterical sobbing mess by the end lol!
I like your website! It’s been a long time since I spent time coding my own websites. Now, I’m just back to blogging using a template but awesome job over here! Everything’s so well laid out!
Thank you so very much!
LOVE IT! Now to get you to do my site xD
LOL exactly!
I really like the new layout! Very fancy :) If I ever need a redesign or when I’m switching over to WordPress or anything else, I’ll give you a shout :)
Aww thank you, I appreciate that!
AH! I finally had a chance to view it on something other than my phone and I LOVE IT! Absolutely love the circle motif, and of course, the stars! And I SUPER-DUPER-LOVE the portfolio page and how they roll over when you mouse over them! Looks beautiful!! OOoooooOOOOoooo and I just noticed what happens when you click on “search OSN” LOL wow, Sarah, it’s so visually appealing and really nicely organised and might be one of my favourite layouts of yours to date!
How do you like the phone version?
LOL! I try to have stars everywhere. In the footer when you hover over the social media links, on the excerpts on the main page when you click to read more… and I’ll probably add more here and there when I can find a place to put MORE STARS!