One of the fastest ways to make your photos look more awesome and less boring is to change your angle.
Instead of shooting straight down on to your subject, which can give you an “ok” shot:
Get down on your knees or lower the camera to the ground to get super amazing shots!
Share on my FB Fan Page some photos you shot where you changed the angle!
This post TOTALLY cracks me up.
We were at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden this afternoon, and I was trying to get a decent shot of the crocuses. It occurred to me that I would get a better photo if I brought my camera down really low and shoot from the ground rather than from above. I got a couple OK pictures — I have a point-and-shoot, and the background was “noisy” — lots of dead leaves covering the flower beds — but the photos were much better than they would have been if I had shot from above.
So what’s the funny part, you might ask? Well, my first thought after taking these photos was, “I wonder what kinds of resources (books, Web sites, whatever) Sarah has been using to learn to take her beautiful flower photos. Maybe I should write to her.”
So I think it’s funny that I was thinking about asking you for advice about resources, and then the very next post you write happens to be to advise me (us) to do EXACTLY what I just figured out this afternoon, when I was thinking about you and your lovely photos!
Thank you! And any more advice — directly from you, or suggestions of what you’ve found useful — would be much appreciated!
HAHAHAHA that is AWESOME!!!!!!
Amazing images! I will have to invest and get a new camera I just have a tiny digi cam and it’s not that good.
A “good” camera can only take you so far though. Most of photography is the “vision” and knowing how shutter speed / aperture / ISO / etc work.
Very cool tip! :D
Thank you!
I did that whole “get on the ground and shoot” thing before, and the shot came out really well (my editing however sucked ass). But what I didn’t know was… I had also layed in a pile of bird crap while I was at it.
I hate our park… I really do :P
Superb shots! It’s like seeing beauty blooming in the backyard!