I am typing this solely with my left hand, and using spellcheck heh. Long story short, I went to the ER Sunday morning at 4am sobbing all hysterically (thanks to my sister and her fiance who drove me and my son there) something is wrong with my right wrist/hand. I have such intense pain a vicodin and muscle relaxer had no effect. I currently have a partial cast on and an appointment for a specialist on Wednesday. I hurt so bad, all I do is cry. The worst part? I have no clue what happened, I woke up with it like this.
On the plus side, work was awesome, no one had a problem being my “hand”.
So basically, I can’t really be on my comp aside from some browsing so responses to emails/comments/etc will be very delayed.
I so need a gentle hug right about now.
Oh man, that’s so weird, I did the same thing 2 weeks ago!
Aww hon i’m so sorry to hear you’re in pain. What exactly did you do to your hand?
*huggles you better, gives you a teddy, cookies, blankie and a movie that will make you feel better* :D
probably happened from incessantly giving the finger to your former employers. great to hear the first day went well. did this really happen to your hand, or are you trying to get me to make you dinner? clever.
omg.. i hope your hand gets well soon. :)
Count with a right hug here ;)
Get well
Awww.. I hope they can figure out what’s going on and help you heal up quickly!
I feel your pain. It’s scary to hurt and not understand why, especially when the doctor’s don’t even know. Feel better! xo.
Could it possibly be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? I have a partial cast on my right arm at the moment, too (because of CTS.) So I definitely know your pain. -hug- Hope you’re doing better.
*Hugglesnuggles.* I hope you are ok. Perhaps you rolled onto it while you were sleeping, or something weird like that.