Why is it when I finally go numb, everything floods back? Why do I have to remember and acknowledge reality? Why can’t ANYONE be near me? Why does my family have to tell me mere hours after, hey you will be alone pretty much all day, with no distractions. And everywhere you look reminds you of him. Everything.
I need… something. Anything. Please make this pain go away I don’t care how, just do it.
hey.. im sorry your hurting and i wish there was something i could do to help you with it.. but we dont really know each other and everything.. i know you here it will be okay soon and all that jazz all the time and i dont want to say that because after awhile it just sounds empty. well if you need to chat to get your mind off some things feel free to email me, about whatever.. i wouldnt mind really..
Hey Sarah,
Sweetheart I really dont know what to say other than I am here for you if you need anything, anything at all just let me know and I will do my best to help you. I know that you dont know me and I dont know you but I dont need to know you to know that you are a wonderful person and mother. I also dont have to know you to know that you are hurting. Just call me or email me if you need anything. Jessica(ATB’s girl)*HUGS*
Unfortunately, this is something you’ve got to do and decide for yourself. We can only support you in whatever it is you decide, and we will. We can be there for you as best we can, and we are. but we can’t take away the pain
:(, no matter how much we wish we could. Be good to yourself Sarah, you don’t deserve this nor did you ask for it. This is 100% on Matt and no one else.
If you ever need to talk to anyone, feel free to e-mail me. I know I’m only 17 and haven’t had much experience in love, but I’ve had enough to know what it’s like to be hurt like that. Take care
OMG Sarah…..I am SO SO sorry you dear sweet girl. You deserve SOOO much better than that. I have been totally out of the loop lately, so I didn’t even know this was going on for you. If you EVER need talk, please don’t hesitate. AIM: ChocL8GiRL
Yahoo: wht_chocolate_grl