
My son took his first steps tonight. Three steps to be exact. He is a few days shy of being 15 months old. I am happy and yet sad about this, for a million reasons.

My little boy is growing up.




Oh, that’s so wonderful yet a little sad. But congrats, it’s such an amazing thing to be able to witness. I’m so proud of you both. :)

Reply to Kristin

Cherish every single moment.  Seems like just yesterday that my (now 15 year old) son took HIS first steps!  Isnt life amazing??!  And you made his!! :) Congrats!

Reply to Diana
Angel Whispers

Awwwww Sarah, I can understand the mixed emotions.  Congrats to you, Chubs!  Walk right to your mommy and give her a great big hug for all of us, okay!? :o)

Reply to Angel Whispers

CONGRATULATIONS! and welcome to the world of toddler! you’re going to have so, much fun chasing him down while he runs away laughing holding pens he’s not supposed to hold. i just love watching toddlers walk faster and faster until they’re running and then they fall down on their butts it’s so, cute to see them get all charged up! and that son of yours is one cute baby!

Reply to mary

Awe Sarah, enjoy the moment best you can, next thing you know they are walking out the door!  Another bittersweet moment!

Reply to Barb

seamus has this message to chubs: welcome to walking!  it gets more fun at this point—next you can climb and get into all kinds of stuff your mom doesn’t want you to have!  all the best things in life are on top of desks!!

Reply to michelle

Aww, must have been lovely to witness it :)

Reply to Sarah

Nothing more thrilling than seeing your baby starting to walk…but soon they run you rampid! lol

It’s nice to see that you are enjoying the perks of being a parent :)

Reply to Tess

rapid=rampent…sorry for the typo, but it is 5:30-ish in the morning so I’ m hoping you’ll take that into consideration :P

Reply to Tess

rampant!! Oh ignore me…I’m going to bed.

Reply to Tess

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