November 19th 2001 / 3 minutes to read

Well I have my OB appointment in a few hours…I have to get showered and dressed which takes a while since I can’t bend over heh and then go to the bank and cash Ali’s check to me which is meant for todays appointment…joy….THEN possibly do laundry. Matt works tonight so tomorrow I am going to make lasanga perhaps not sure what I will make tonight since I have been so tired we have been basically living off of tacos. I even had left over tacos for breakfast this morning! Although I did make Matt scrambled eggs. I have to admit I am a bit fustrated site wise. I want to add more content but I am not sure what is overdone out in the net world. Also I would hate to have something that is a “trend” because trends end as fast as they start. I am perky about all the gbook entries I seem to be getting…makes me feel the love….I was VERY happy today because he was kicking a LOT and just moving a bit….I was very worried actually because the past few days he wasn’t moving much….I do have a theory. I think he doesn’t move as much as other peoples babies do in the womb because I literally get NO sugar in my diet unless its from fresh fruit or the umm lactose? In milk n dairy.That is it….or maybe he is a laid back baby! I am getting more and more scared about giving birth…I have NO ONE out here in Ohio cept for Matt…NO ONE to talk to that is female, my age, about all of this….and I have to admit I get very sad when I think about how the first 6 months of pregnancy were for me and now a days I am sad about never getting a baby shower….I worry how we are going to get all the stuff the baby needs not to mention WHAT DOES the baby need??? I mean its a winter baby what special stuff should we get? Ugh and then that whole “birthing” issue…we wanted to take birthing classes but no matter HOW many people I ask at my OB’s office NO ONE will get me ANY info on them. I sometimes feel they look down on me because I am apparently the youngest pregnant female in their care at the moment. Sigh….well I guess I should drink some more milk and then get ready for the day.

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