Here you go, folks. 10 WordPress plugins I feel everyone should try out!
Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions
a ‘One Click’ WordPress Database Cleaner / Optimizer
Yes! It gets rid of all the trash in your database, can reduce the size by practically 50% if not more, and optimizes it as well.
AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild
AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild allows you to rebuild all thumbnails on your site.
Duh. What I absolutely love is that you can select the size of the thumbnail you want to rebuild and if you want to rebuild only the featured images. This is fantastic especially if you’re changing themes because different themes can have different image requirements built into their functions.
Broken Link Checker
This plugin will monitor your blog looking for broken links and let you know if any are found.
Everyone needs this! Not only does it go through your posts but comments as well. Nothing like browsing your archives and clicking that innocent commenter’s link of “” only for it to now be a smut site. Seriously.
This plugin informs you if any of your links are broken, also includes images, so you can either repair the link or delete it.
Search Everything
Search Everything increases the ability of the default WordPress Search
This REALLY makes your default WordPress search function so powerful. And more precise.
Search Meter
If you have a Search box on your blog, Search Meter automatically records what people are searching for — and whether they are finding what they are looking for.
Want to know what people are searching for on your site? This is the plugin for you.
Simple Share Buttons Adder
The Simple Share Buttons Adder does exactly what it says on the tin – adds share buttons to all of your posts and pages, simply.
For the longest time, I felt that there was no decent sharing plugin so I always did my sharing buttons manually. Then I came across this plugin. It’s customizable both in which sites you want to be listed and design wise. You can even make your own sharing buttons to use with it!
WordPress SEO by Yoast
This plugin is written from the ground up by Joost de Valk and his team at Yoast to improve your site’s SEO on all needed aspects.
AHHHH! Most amazing plugin ever. Really. Want better search rankings on Google perhaps? You need this plugin. Not only is it great for SEO but it has a few extra features like a sitemap, Twitter Card support, Facebook Open Graph support, and more.
WP Caregiver
With this plugin you can turn on/off some theme and core services of WordPress or even customize it too.
This plugin has two areas, frontend, and backend. For the frontend, you can have it remove the generator meta tag, remove the RSD link, and remove the Windows Live Writer link. There’s no reason to have those enabled if you’re not using those features. On the backend, you can control the WordPress update notifications, change Admin features… it’s just one of those plugins you need on all WordPress installs.
All In One Rich Snippets
What is a Rich Snippet?
It is basically a short summary of your page in the search results of Google, Yahoo, Bing and sometimes in the News feed of Facebook in nice format with star ratings, author photo, image, etc.
Rich Snippets is where you see those links during a Google search that have blog post’s featured image, blurb, even author information. Is also super helpful for Pinterest pins too!
EWWW Image Optimizer
The EWWW Image Optimizer is a WordPress plugin that will automatically and losslessly optimize your images as you upload them to your blog. It can also optimize the images that you have already uploaded in the past.
This helps with loading time tremendously without sacrificing quality on your theme’s images and photos.
Well, there ya go! Let me know in the comments some of your favorite WordPress plugins!
Ahh! A broken link checker! I’ve been looking for one of those … thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Going through and add, add, adding away! Thanks for always sharing your WordPress awesomeness, Sarah.
I love that your list isn’t the same regurgitated list on every blog ever. Thanks for some of these!
Fantastic list! It’s great to introduce bloggers to new plugins. I’m off to check out search meter. Thank you for sharing. :)
I love when you do post like these. It gets me so many great ideas for my own blog. :) Keep rocking on!!
Great post! I haven’t heard of most of these. I will have to check them out. Thanks!
A+++, Will Read Again, for the post title. ;)
And I fucking love Search Meter. It’s nice to stalk the stalkers back, lol. Kidding… most searches aren’t stalkerish. But for those that are, well, eh, it’s interesting to know what people are looking for.
I’ve had the link checker for quite a while but the others are all new to me. I like the idea of the Search Meter and might give that a try, thanks for the ideas :)