It’s messing with me, how we’re in 2024, how it’s already February. Next week will make it a year since my life was destroyed.
I’m trying so hard to find positive things, do positive things, but fuck it’s hard.
I recently got my 2nd and 3rd lobes pierced in each ear. I had it done at Evolution Body Arts. I highly recommend them! I can’t see myself going anywhere else for piercings in the future.

I finally went back to my doctor after over five months, as my appointment kept being rescheduled. I normally go every 6-8 weeks! They moved offices and holy hell; I’ve not had my height fear triggered as hard as it was at this new office.
It’s on the 3rd floor. The teeny tiny elevator? Clear glass. Then, you had to walk this narrow walkway with a short railing and huge gaps between the rails. I stood there for 5 min thinking, “Time to find a new dr; I can’t fucking do this.”
Eventually, I made it across, then had a full-blown panic attack and told EVERY SINGLE PERSON in that office about the nightmare, and it turns out a lot of people are complaining. I found the stairs and took the three flights of stairs to leave. Going back means walking up the three flights of stairs. I’ll need to get there 10 min early going forward.
I’ve always had issues with heights, and it ramped up more when I had my 1st son and blew up into a debilitating fear after I had my 2nd son. It’s awful!
Anyway, onto other things.
I’ve been intentionally focusing on reading more this year. I didn’t read much, if at all, in 2023 for obvious reasons and missed it. I’ve always been a reader, so it seemed like something I could easily slip back into doing. I set a goal for 2024 to read 75 books, and I’ve read 18 so far. I would love some more Goodreads friends! I would also love some book recommendations.
I also want to get back into photography. It’s been a solid decade of not using my DSLR. I ran my lenses through FoCal but can’t tell if it did anything. It’s also hard when my vision has gotten tremendously worse in the last couple of years, and I need to see a surgeon to see if anything can be done. I like to think I was half-decent with photography and like with the reading; I miss it.
Site-wise, I got rid of snippets and added a Notes section. It’s sort of the same but different, I swear, LOL!
One of my best friends sent me flowers for Valentine’s Day! Obsessed! They are so bright and pretty!

I told her this meant she was my Valentine. I wouldn’t have had one otherwise!
Lastly, because I love them, here’s a photo of some of my prisms.

Glad to hear you are getting back to some of the things you love!
Thank you!
I’ll always be your Valentine! Because I can!
Damn straight!!
I’m currently reading Rising by Amber Yve, book 1 of 2 of Blood of Midithrias series. I did a snippet of book 2 during an event for femme narrators on TikTok and just had to go read the books. I’m also reading Tsalmoth by Steven Brust – the latest in what’s been my favorite series for the last 20 years.
Love the sun catchers! I have a few of my own and can’t wait to add some more.
Ohh I am going to go look up those books right now!
I am obsessed with prisms. If I could have them in every window, I would!