Mommy Things, Bloggy Things, and Photos

dew on orange plant

Mommy Things
You know, when people mention “pregnancy brain” or “mommy brain” they aren’t kidding. Since I had my first son more than 7yrs ago, I have the worst short term memory, which is made even worse by my current pregnancy. I wonder why this is? It’s very frustrating because I am always having to ask those around me to repeat themselves.

Anyway, I am so extremely excited, my father has purchased half of our cloth diaper stash (BumGenius 3.0 pocket diapers) from Jillians Drawers! We are hoping to be able to purchase the rest of what we need before the baby is born.

Ah, hard to believe I am now 36 weeks along isn’t it? I still remember being told that this would be a “long” pregnancy for me because I found out at 3 1/2 weeks along (I have short-ish cycles). My oldest son is so excited about the baby. Thankfully my twin sister just had a baby last year (her first, a daughter), so my son is well caught up on “babyhood”. As it is, he thinks his cousin is his sister lol.

Onto non-mommyish things….

Bloggy Things
I spent part of today working on a possible re-design of OSN. Obviously that didn’t happen, I merely changed the navigation image, the back-end coding of that navigation, and changing the sidebar header fonts. Exciting. However after discussing it with a flock of awesome people, I wanted to get some feedback if I should release autumn wordpress theme to the masses. I know a lot of people use pre-made themes (basing this info off of the entry Why Pre-Made) and if someone thinks it’s awesome then who am I to withhold the awesomeness.

I also want to reiterate that the “Submit a Link” sidebar is not a plugboard, but more so, intended for “new” blog entries, tech finds, new flickr uploads, etc. So you can submit as many links as you want, as often as you want.

Lastly, we recently went to the park (ok, granted the males go to the park daily, but with my separated pelvis it’s more of a “special” park trip if I manage to come along) and I just really loved this shot of Danny making a basket and of course… he’s just adorable in general. Almost everyone I’ve ever come into contact with says he looks just like me (thankfully because… I’m awesome!).





I love the autumnish theme. I also love this one. I’m sorry if I wasn’t much help. It’s hard to choose between to awesome designs. :)

The photos are amazing as always. And you’re right, Danny sooo looks like you. He’s totally making a Sarah face in that last photo lol.


Aw I worry my memory is already rubbish now what happens to me when I get pregnant, I just won’t have a memory :P

I would use the theme even though I am trying to keep just doing mine but my friends could use it :)

Reply to Damita

Mommy brain does not sound like fun. I seem to forget things now but I’m not sure if it’s basic forgetfulness or not. I found out early too (conceived end of dec, found out mid Jan) and it has seemed like it’s taking forever. That’s awesome you got the BGs. I’ve heard the aplix starts to go on them after a bit but a lot of mamas do snap conversion for like $3/diaper which may be an option later on. That’s great you got to go to the park with Danny. I bet he enjoyed it.

Reply to Amanda

@Lisa Marie, thank you though for letting me bounce the idea of a redesign off of you like ALL DAY lol.

@Damita, sometimes I debate going “old fashioned” and “skinning” the site… but that requires effort/caring on my part lol

@Amanda, look as us now, massively pregnant and just wanting for our babies to be ready to be born! Oh I think Danny enjoyed me going to the park, but even now I am physically suffering from a park trip taken TWO DAYS ago!

My short term memory died while I was pregnant too! It has gotten better since having him though. I would be told something and it took maybe a few minutes before they would have to repeat themselves cause I didn’t catch it. Oh and my husband loved to ask me what I had for breakfast cause I could never remember lol


I wish I could use pregnancy as an excuse for my recent short term memory loss. Eh, hopefully it’s just a phase I’m going through. The photos are gorgeous! :)

Reply to Angel

@Sharon, lol it’s crazy isn’t it!

@Angel, let’s just blame age, we all aren’t 10yrs old anymore and thank you so much!


Yay for cloth diapers! I’m excited that the baby is almost here! It really has gone fast.

To be completely honest, I use premade WordPress themes and I edit them to personalize them. I just can’t do graphics and so I edit the code and play around with it to put things where I want them and make it my own. I just can’t make themes look the way I want them to and mine look incredibly simplistic and I hate them within a day even though I am capable of creating them. I’d use your theme in a heartbeat and just edit it slightly if you didn’t have a problem with that. I’d leave the copyright link in tact, of course. I adore it so, so much.

I love your photos.

Reply to Caity

It really has, it’s starting to hit me that I’m PREGNANT and there is a practically full-grown human infant inside of me. Insane right.

I was having a discussion with Lisa Marie earlier that some people can code, others design, and yet others can do both, or nothing at all lol.

Awww thank you!!

I’m glad your father came through for you! I know you had your heart set on cloth diapers, so now you can use them for the new baby. I like the pre-made theme that you are considering sharing…I’d definitely use it on my blog! I’m still jealous that I can’t make my own themes :)

I know right, I am honestly surprised considering the lack of support when I was CD’ing my oldest son.

I am trying to figure out how to go about making it a proper “wp theme”. Generally for me I just design, throw some code into it, and generally am good to go lol.

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