OSN Posts You May Have Missed

July 16th 2011 / 2 minutes to read

How did your week go? Full of sunshine and goodness? Or was it more crappy than good?

The Posts of Awesomeness

Tree:1 – Backyard:0
To date, the tree is STILL in the backyard. We’ve called the village to get them to deal with it. It’s driving me utterly crazy. Hearing a tree break and fall has to be one of the worst sounds (nature based, not animal based) I’ve ever heard. We were really lucky that it didn’t break through our window or collapse on the roof. However, our backyard is completely unusable and the boys aren’t able to go outside and play. I’m hoping this will get removed and taken care of within the next few days!

Above Us Only Sky
My post for Wordless Wednesday. I actually used the kit lens that came with my D90 for this (because I couldn’t find my wide angle at the time), and I feel overall, the lens isn’t as bad as I originally expected for a “kit” lens! Granted I still can’t find a purpose for it to be in my regular rotatation.

Already Freaking Out About School
I’m busy freaking out about my oldest going into 4th grade next month. From public schooling to homeschooling then unschooling BACK to public schooling. He’s totally calm. I’m freaking out.

Disappear Socially (online anyway)
A decade in and I’m still barely on the bloggy totem pole. Oh and yes numbers mean A LOT TO ME and there is nothing wrong with that. So when I get maybe 50 – 150 visits a day if I plead and beg, it gets a bit old. Some people are MEANT for this bloggy lifestyle, I’m starting to think I’m not.

What have YOU blogged this week?

This post is over a year old which means the content may be outdated or no longer accurate.


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My week hasn’t been that bad. Jeremy took a staycation so I’ve been enjoying extra time with him. We went and watched the midnight opening of Harry Potter.

I’ve hung out with my little sister a lot this week as well and played volleyball with the people from the church.

I think the only crapiness that has been going on is the constant extensions we’re having to sign as we are in the process of trying to buy a home.

Reply to Dez

I might have to check out all this Harry Potter madness eventually and read the books / watch the movies.

OHHH a house! How exciting! It’s really a buyers market right now.


Hey, you have a really cute blog. I just added your feed to my RSS reader (windows live mail), however I thought I’d let you know that none of the pictures on this post are showing up. This is not the case for other posts, so I’m not sure what the problem is.

Also, I wanted to thank you for the posts on how to make your own WordPress theme. It’s a huge help, although it’s still a little confusing (I think I just a bit too far out of my depth).

Also, your website is adorable. I love it!

Reply to Stephanie

Thank you! Ah that sucks you can’t see the photos, I checked on my other computers and iDevices and it works for me so I just tweeted about it to see if anyone else is having a similar problem!

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